Group activities for schools
Meet an archaeologist in a conference-workshop at school.
Offer your grade school, high school or college students the opportunity to discover archaeology and aboriginal cultures in class with an interactive presentation where participants can handle reproductions, observe demonstrations, experiment concepts and/or craft an object. Our elementary-secondary school program is designed along the guidelines of the Quebec school program to introduce the subject of Aboriginal people and develop the competencies of the Social universe, Science & technology, and Arts. Our college program aims to develop an interest in anthropology as a multidisciplinary science by presenting different approaches to study human evolution, prehistoric technologies, subsistence techniques and complex societies. Each activity allows to:
To reserve:
3, 2, 1... fire!
The salmon and the cedar
From wigwam to longhouse
Introduction to experimental archaeology
Some activities are now available in virtual form on a web platform.
- Come into our universe! Specially designed for optimal viewing.
- A personnalized meeting! Interactive activities with questions and comments.
- You can almost touch it! Zoom in on artifacts as if you were there.
- Closer than ever! Detailed demonstrations of crafting techniques.