Education kit on Iroquoians
Start a fire by friction, shape a stone axe, grind corn flour, put together a fishing line, scrape deer hide, practice sewing leather, make paint, decorate pottery, use a tumpline and learn the pin and ring game.
Offer your elementary or secondary school students the opportunity of experimenting aboriginal technologies in the classroom to better understand the way of life of prehistoric Iroquoians in Quebec.
Everything is functional, durable, easy to use and extra material is available. Each set comes with a documentary sheet and use instructions. Designed for students 8 years and older. A wooden storage box is included. Measures 19 x 14 x 9 inches and weighs about 30 lbs.
Rental: 150.00$ / week + shipping
(available in the province of Quebec only) Purchase: 825.00$ + shipping (exclusive to schools and cultural institutions) To order:
514-504-4545 / [email protected] Documents are in French
- How does it work? (elementary school-secondary school) : Deduction of the functioning of an artifact by the application of a method.
- What is it used for? (elementary school) : Association of an artifact to its context of use by logic and interpretation.
- What more can be said? (secondary school) : Extrapolation of the production of an artifact by the use of mathematics.
- What is it? (elementary school-secondary school) : Identification of materials before their transformation.
- Fire by friction set (hearth board, spindle, bow, socket and extra string)
- Stone axe shaping set (pecking stone, polishing stone and axe preform)
- Small grinding set (ground stone, hand stone, picking tool and dry corn)
- Fishing set (line, leader, hook, sinker, float)
- Tanning set (wood and chert scraper with a piece of raw hide)
- Deer bone sewing set (1 awl, 2 needles, pieces of leather and hemp string)
- Painting set (mortar, pestle, shell, charcoal)
- Pottery set (1 kg of clay, corded paddle, reed, shell)
- Hand woven tumpline from hemp (10 feet) with cordage material
- Pin and ring game with six deer phalanges
- Raw materials of animal, plant and mineral origin
- Information, instructions and activity sheets
- Safety gloves and goggles
This kit is designed within the guidelines of the Quebec school program to complement the subject of First Nations and develop the competencies of the Social Universe, Science and Technology, and Arts.